Wednesday 27 December 2017

Return of the Plague of the Pringles

So on I battled, but I still had this bug lodged in the back of my throat. In the past I’ve traditionally been much worse at Christmas and often I just want to sit and rest. But on I carried; right through to Boxing Day; though I opted out of going for a drink with my friends on Christmas Eve Eve as I had a late finish at work and an early start the next day. At one point I wondered if I’d got a bit of Pringle stuck inside my throat, and I could even taste bacon at times. But then on Boxing Day evening after eating some leftover bubble & squeak, my two-year-old niece decided to spew. She didn’t have much to eat; but she might have had a bit of sugar while we were at the panto. So we cleared her up the best we could and I volunteered to scrub the dishes. The next morning, I did not feel well at all. I’d only had one beer the night before but I was struggling to keep my spew down. I knew that if I made a slow move I’d make it; or at least get off the bed; but my legs were locked and I couldn’t bring myself to move until it was too late. Then it was bed rest and dizziness for the rest of the day; leaving my old dear to scrub up while I drifted in and out of consciousness.

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