Saturday 23 December 2017

The Reaction Faction

"Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent of how I react to it." -Charles Swindoll.

From what I can gather, Swindoll is a Christian evangelical preacher with many publications to his name. I wonder how many of his events or publications got rejected or postponed; and how he reacted to those? Did he just put his feet up and say; ‘Oh well; the next one will be better?’ And are there more events than reactions; or do we react to every event and are just ignorant for most of them? Do we blame world hunger on someone else and decide that it’s not our problem? In most cases; yes, because we have our own events to react to. But there’s a certain school of thinking that’s saying that you’re waiting for things to happen rather than making them happen. You don’t make your plans but you react to other people’s plans. And if you feel that life’s passing you by, then perhaps Swindoll is someone that you should probably stay away from.

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