Saturday 2 December 2017

Porking Out on Pies

I like a good pie and Ginsters really do hit the spot. You can carry a slice around with you all day for when you’re ready to tuck in. But the trouble starts when you begin to heat it up. The pastry just gets too soft to contain the filling, and things get very messy very quickly. They haven’t been on offer either just lately. Perhaps it’s because it’s not the snack season and everyone’s too full up on Christmas food. Or maybe it’s more of a summer thing when you’re on the go a bit more and just want a pie away from home. It’s nice of them to put them on offer when we want them; but does this persuade us more to buy it? Surely they’re better off selling them cheaper in the winter when sales are down? Or does the company produce too many in the summer and it’s just so that they don’t go to waste? It’s a very strange marketing technique.

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