Monday 25 December 2017

False Surrender

‘Sir, all the gates have been secured and the watchtowers still stand, but the enemy has now surrounded us. The city cannot receive any supplies.’
‘How long can the city last without replenishment?’
‘About five days sir.’
‘Is there any chance of creating an access tunnel?’
‘Sir we could try but there’s every chance we’ll be spotted when we emerge.’
‘Very well, perhaps we should consider a surrender.’
‘But sir, all our livelihood is here.’
‘Yes, but our lives are more important than our livelihood. And let’s not forget that this is a vast empire. On the downside, we’d be occupied and we’d be forced to obey their will. But let’s not forget that this is a vast army. Once we’ve surrendered they may well march onto another territory, leaving a much smaller force for us to overpower.’

‘Get all our finest troops underground. Ensure they are well stocked and well hidden. Then we’ll prepare to surrender.’ 

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