Wednesday 13 December 2017

A Hair-raising Time

Mum’s hair brush thing is a bit faulty. It still works but one of the catches that holds the brush to the handle has come off and you have to hold it together while you use it. So because I bought it from my shop using my discount, it’s up to me to sort it out. It’s not technically faulty and I did wonder if she dropped it and broke the catch but it was out of the shop’s guarantee, so I had to call the manufacturer. So one Friday morning I made the call and thought I’d be put on hold to various departments only to be told to take it into the shop anyway. But I got straight through to a woman who asked me some questions then e-mailed me a label and asked me to post it off. The good news was that the postage was free, but I was sure that they’d just take one look at it and say it’s not their fault and send the thing back. I was wrong. Instead, we got a brand-new replacement of a completely different model.

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