Friday 22 December 2017

Butts Barbus Barbus at the Rowbarge, Woolhampton

Being a rare sunny day, this canal-side pub was extremely busy and it was difficult to queue at the bar just to get a half in while lunch orders were being taken. The pub itself was a large extended seventeenth-century cottage with ample snugs at the front and a restaurant area at the back facing the canal. The facilities were all up a small wooden staircase and you had to queue in the corridor to wait your turn to use the converted bathroom. Outside there were many, many picnic tables filled with large groups of people sifting through menus. There was also a barbecue area but the wait was at least half an hour and fries were an extra four quid. Not many of our group decided to take them up on it. Most of our party who had decided to camp here were grumbling about the wait at the bar and the food prices. There were certainly no latecomers when it was time to re-board the bus. An interesting beer range but you best pick a quieter day to fully experience the pub itself.

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