Wednesday 6 December 2017

The Waiting Game

While we were waiting for results; we had to call the doctor out twice as my Dad was too fragile to visit the surgery. The doctor took a while to attend as he had to make a number of other calls but when he arrived he too was fragile and had to be helped out of the car. He also couldn’t make it up the stairs so Dad had to journey down to him. Not much was decided other than to be referred to a specialist at the University of Birmingham’s hospital where some further observations would be done and to decide whether dialysis was required and how often. The problem then was waiting for a bed; and all we could do was wait for a phone call from the hospital to tell us when to go. Unfortunately, the day we got the call was the day that I was stuck at work and I’d left my mobile in my bag, so I wasn’t initially available to drive him up. When Mum did hold of me through the work phone I fled home to find my brother was just getting ready to go; but they opted for me to drive still. We got there just after 8 which was unfortunately when the ward closed; but after visiting the admissions desk downstairs we got them to open up for us.

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