Friday 15 December 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Hassars! The next chapter of Star Wars is finally here, as a new generation of cinema-goers are introduced to spaceships and lightsabers. And it starts off very well. There’s some great X-wing scenes and even some modern-day humour as Poe puts the empire on hold as he stalls for time. But from there the fun deteriorates rapidly. The action somehow becomes a series of lectures about the force narrated by Professor Skywalker; who himself is a bit of a miser. And instead of leaving Princess Leia to die peacefully and gracefully with her fellow rebels, she’s miraculously brought back to life through some sort of Jedi reflex. And the lightsaber scenes are pitifully sloppy compared to the beautifully choreographed battles in the earlier films. BB8 seems to be the only worthwhile hero; while Chewy, CP3O and R2-D2 are solely there to make a cameo appearance because it is a Star Wars film. We’d have also liked to have learnt about Snorke and how he came to power; but perhaps there’s a chance for him to have a backstory in the upcoming Han Solo movie.

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