Monday 11 December 2017

Ghostfusters Assemble #ghostfusters2

‘I call to order the January meeting of the Redditch Rouges. Is the secretary present?’
‘Where’s Phil?’
‘He could be giving that new barmaid at the Rising Sun a good haunt.’
‘Why do we have to meet in these dusty old offices anyway? Can’t we just meet in the pub?’
‘No, the daywalkers are onto us; they have cameras now. Even these offices have security cameras so we have to vary our meetings to avoid detection. Ah, here’s Phil.’
‘Sorry I’m late everyone; I thought we were meeting at Beech House. I got there early and it was only when I got the minutes out that I remembered that we were meeting here.’
‘Very well, let us begin. Are there any apologies? And is everyone happy with the accuracy of the minutes of the last meeting? Terry, how are you getting on with keeping temps out of the Old Forge Mill?’

‘It’s business as usual boss but are you sure we’re taking the right approach? Every act of vandalism just causes the building to be abandoned and eventually the people’ll get tired of trying and they’ll just knock it down.’

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