Sunday 31 January 2021

Touchdown in Taksim Square

We set down in Taksim Square and all our fellow passengers dispersed quickly. We followed the path down the hill through an open space where the city’s metro resurfaced. At the bottom was a festival which seemed to be setting up for the day. There was a stage, lots of food stalls and plenty of pop-up shops. After a quick browse, we went to inspect the monument erected to dedicate the foundation of Turkey. We took a short break in front of one of the traditional trams, then followed the tracks down the main precinct where a huge range of modern-day shops surrounded it either side. We then wandered south to take in the Galata Tower. There was quite a long queue to enter this which astonished us and other people. I followed the queue to the front to ensure that it was moving then we waited in line for about half an hour.   

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