Wednesday 20 January 2021


There were once two friends who would meet every day in the woods. The were supposed to be gathering food for their families but they enjoyed each other’s company so much that they never seemed to accomplish what they set out to do. So towards the end of their day, they would ask others for help who would gladly assist them with their load. Time went on and so did they. They struggled to get their tasks done even more and relied on the kindness of others who felt sorry for their age and inability to get things done. The younger folk replied but they started to get annoyed as they’d note how little the friends got done while they toiled extra hard so that they could accomplish their tasks too. They wondered how the friends would survive if they just focused on their tasks and said no. Perhaps the concept of the friend’s failure was too great a weight for them to bear, but it still meant more work for them. This meant that there were less friendships in the wood.

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