Thursday 14 January 2021

A New Year's Eve like no Other

The trouble with most New Year’s Eve’s is trying to stay awake until the big moment. This wasn’t especially difficult since I’d been at work the night before and decided to treat myself to a big lie-in. Once I’d got up, I decided to see if I could book a gym session. I usually do it on-line but my gym reported through social media that it was having problems with its booking system; probably because of the bank holiday and the fact that it wanted to close early. I gave them a call and wasn’t surprised to find the line engaged. It’s probably because we shifted up a tier the night before and people were making enquiries about their memberships and their group classes which are now postponed. I half expected the gym to be super busy because of this but I managed to book a session within the hour. So after that it simply a case of entertaining Mother with board games until the penultimate hour where we headed upstairs to our respective zoom parties.

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