Saturday 30 January 2021

As a European, if you could or have to live in the US, what state would you choose and why?

I’ve been to the USA on three different trips. I’ve visited a number of cities and met some great people. I think most people would commonly answer New York; and while I’ve visited and enjoyed the sights of New York; I wouldn’t like to live there. In some ways it’s the commercial cesspit of America. I think I’d like to be further west. I really enjoyed visiting San Francisco and regretted not having enough time there. I missed the opportunity to ride a trolley and didn’t get to go out to Alcatraz. But living in California would be difficult as I wouldn’t appreciate the heat all year round and I don’t have a beach body. One of my favourite cities was Boston and I did enjoy the city’s culture there; but I also enjoy travelling. If I’m choosing a state, I’d like to be in a central hub so that I can explore as much as possible. So I think I’ll settle in Colorado. It’s not somewhere that I’ve been but it’s central and I’ve heard excellent things from people that do live there. Time to sort out my skis…

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