Wednesday 13 January 2021

Here's where you could have Stayed

Our hotel was a boutique hotel in the old part of the city. There’s no room in this area for a chain hotel or anywhere to cater for coach parties. But there were a lot of hotels of similar size. We spent our first few days wondering if we were returning to the front or the rear of the building, but it also gave us the opportunity to see where else we could have stayed. While these places were too small for us to randomly call in and see their facilities; we could still gain a sense of their business practice through their window displays. There was one that was covered with flowers and had a box window full of plant pots and plants stuffed into a pair of jeans and wellies. Another had a grand entrance but its corner view made the rooms from the outside look like a shantytown. It’s hard to say whether these businesses (our own hotel included) will still be trading in the near future. 

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