Wednesday 6 January 2021

Fashion Show #nuclearmermaid 17

The key difference between her and the others were her flippers. If she could wrap her tail well, her fins could be used to portray the leather covers that the bipeds wore; even though this meant that she would have to stand up to move. This would mean that she’d need a stick to keep herself propped up. Fortunately, there was just such a stick next to the water with some shiny metal on its end. She’d still tower above the bipeds though. She hoped that the bipeds came in different sizes though she wasn’t too sure of this. She picked up a top cover and wondered if she could gather her long hair into it to make a headpiece. But the main thing that she’d need to hide were her beautiful breasts protruding from her torso. She didn’t know how best to do this since they’d only developed while she’d been in captivity and she couldn’t recall any sightings of the female bipeds.

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