Friday 1 January 2021

Bad Smell Day

Do you get ready to go to the barbershop? I suppose a pre-visit shower would be courteous and gives you the opportunity to get rid of any tangles as well for a smother snip. I wonder if body smells are amplified in close quarters or if they’re just more noticeable. I guess they’re used to it or it’s something that they have to put up with. They probably get people finishing their shift early and find the convenient time to call in on the way home; either before or after the pub. I suppose they have to consider the difference between a sale and a potentially loyal customer or setting standards for your service; especially if there are other customers waiting. But then you’ve got the after smell of freshly laundered fingers in your hair for the rest of the day (unless it’s the ammonia from the hairspray). So once again, do you tidy up before your trim or afterwards?


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