Friday 8 January 2021

Big Books

 Mum felt that we needed to try and create some more space in my room. She kept bruising her leg on the TV cabinet as she brushed by. Her plan was to mount the TV on the wall but this meant that I’d have no space for any DVDs or its player which was stored underneath. Instead, I proposed constructing a shelf which would house the TV on top of a chest of drawers which would allow the DVD player to sit underneath. This would then create room for a bookcase to sit in place of the cabinet which could hold any excess items and wouldn’t protrude out from the wall as much. The bookcase would also be able to hold any surplus items from underneath my desk which would be the host for my new PC tower. It also holds a pile of books on the bedside table. In fact, it’s quite impressive as to what it does hold.

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