Monday 11 January 2021

Swirling Durlish

There’s a famous Turkish dance known as the Whirling Dervish. It consists of a team of men dressed in conical hats and white dress robes spinning as fast as they can. It’s like watching human spinning tops. There was a restaurant close to our hotel that’s in a prime location just around the corner from two archaeological attractions and near some souvenir shops. Its sunken plaza away from the road certainly makes it a convenient spot. We’d pass this place most nights and we saw a ‘Whirling Dervish’ perform every night. The performer that I saw seemed to just turn in circles with his hands in the air. He wasn’t moving particularly fast and I didn’t sense much enthusiasm either. He seemed to draw quite a crowd as every table was full, but we managed to watch from the footpath.  I wonder what the restaurant’s footfall was and whether anyone considered a return visit.

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