Sunday 3 January 2021

Just Checking

Mum had always wanted to visit Istanbul and sail up the Bosporus. She was due to visit as part of a cruise but the itinerary was changed. A Turkish TV station had been infiltrated causing civil disruption throughout the country, and the tour company felt that it was in their best interests not to visit and she missed out. So just before we began our trip there a few years later; our destination had hit the news again. So before we boarded our plane, we had to have our tickets checked again by a member of Special Branch to ensure that our visit was legit, and we weren’t up to mischief. When we arrived, we noticed that road blocks and check points were in place for vehicles too. As it was our first time there, it was hard to say whether these were a regular occurrence or because of recent events; and as tourists it would make us appear if we were to suddenly start asking all these questions.

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