Thursday 28 January 2021

Late for a not so Important Date #dreamdiary 102

I’m late for work with no excuse. I was due to start at midday, but I didn’t arrive until 2pm. What possible explanation could I have come up with? I actually awoke at midday but I still can’t account for the two hours that it took to travel the half mile journey. If this is to be a regular occurrence then it’s certainly going to portray something about my character and reliability. I’m tempted to lie but I just can’t think of anything that sounds reasonable and honest. Luckily, it’s been a well-staffed day and there’s enough people present to cover me. The managers aren’t mad but they are concerned about this behaviour, and we’re all standing outside the goods lift trying to figure it out. They’re not letting me go about my duties until I give a valid reason. Oddly enough, I don’t seem to care. I’m just waiting for them to make a decision about whether I should carry on, be let go, or be sent for a psychological evaluation. Fortunately, when I wake up, it’s just under two hours before I’m due to start a shift at 7am.

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