Friday 29 January 2021

The Big Bus of Istanbul

We decided to see a few more of the sights that were in the modern part of the city. Our primary destination was Taksim Square. I was all for jumping on a tram, but Mum wasn’t that keen riding on public transport with people that didn’t speak our language. I wondered if this was because of our tram mix-up yesterday but Mum didn’t confess to this. Instead, we picked up a map for a tourist double-decker bus and this seemed the best option as we could get a guided tour along the way. We approached the bus but there was a bit of confusion over the fare as it was advertised in both euros and lira, so I had to nip back to the hotel for more supplies. After boarding, it took us a while to get the on-board commentary up and running, but we recognised where our stop was and got off to explore.


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