Wednesday 27 January 2021

Kebabs and Corn

I love trying different foods. I like to eat with my eyes rather than by taste, and I hate missing out. That’s why I’d rather eat in a restaurant that I’d previously walked by and looked in to see what people are eating. But there were two must dos when visiting Turkey. The first is a kebab. You can order a kebab in any restaurant and it’ll come with as much meat, sticks and vegetables you can order, but the best is the donner kebab. The best ones are served in booths on the street where you can see that the meat has been grilling slowly all day. I had mine with yoghurt and he offered Turkish spice rather than chilli on it. I asked for a little to try and it was certainly a powerful spice! The other thing I tried was grilled corn on the cob; again from a street vendor. These came in various sizes and were fresh from the field and still had the green kern attached. They just add butter and pepper, and it melts in your mouth. Delicious! 


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