Thursday 21 January 2021

Here's where you could have visited...

We saw some great sights on our ferry trip. We saw beautiful ancient mosques in front of tall skyscrapers which stretched up to the surrounding hillsides. We saw a beautiful castle with massive walls that looked like it would be a dream to visit. There was a fantastic waterside view of a palace grounds that we saw from our tour bus. We passed underneath many suspension bridges and wondered whether many of the adjacent cargo ships were too big to do the same. There was even a building shaped like a ship from a distance but appeared some sort of administrative centre as we passed it. But at the end of the day, we had no idea what we were looking at until we returned to the hotel and resumed our internet connection. We’d opted for the cheapest tour and we couldn’t get our audio guide working properly. Instead, we had old women trying to sell us scarfs. Maybe we’ll do a bit more planning next time.

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