Sunday 10 January 2021

Beauty & the Beast

This was the first of Disney’s films that I’d seen from animation into a live-action film. The sets look amazing, and it’s hard to tell the difference between what’s been digitally recreated and the set. I’d even like to think that Belle’s village exists somewhere (other than in a theme park) and that a team of location scouts were recruited to hunt it out. Watson’s skills as an actress were believable. This was the first time that I’d watched her in something other than wizards and it’s good to see that she’s grown out of her arrogance. And I didn’t spot Ewan McGregor as a candlestick either. But I’m not entirely sure why Disney has commissioned these films. As far as I can see, there’s no difference between plots other than a hole where Phillipe conveniently stays at the castle for Belle to make her escape. There’s no new songs or characters; even though the run time seemed to have increased. Perhaps they’re encouraging an older generation to reconnect with their movies and purchase the animated version to entertain their little ones. Even so, it’s a very enjoyable movie.

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