Monday 1 February 2021

A Discount Dress #devilsdaughter 14

After a lot of note-taking and frantic phone calls and double-checking, the shop manager had made arrangements for a dress in Lucinda’s size to be shipped, though it would take time as it would need to be custom-made. When it came to delivery, Lucinda demanded that it be sent to Luke’s house as compensation for the shoddy service that she’d received today. Inwardly, Luke’s heart jumped for joy. He’d never thought up till now what would happen beyond this day and when he would have to depart from Lucinda. He couldn’t bring himself to be apart from this amazing woman. There was something intoxicating about her that made him want to be alongside her all the time. At least this way he’d have a sure-fire excuse of at least making contact with her again. He ‘d love to see her house.

…‘And that’s for Mrs. Evans. Thank you Mr. Michele’ said the manager and put the phone down. Well then, that’s all arranged. Thank you very much.’

‘Thank you’ said Lucinda and put her arm around Luke’s waist as they walked out of the store.

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