Monday 8 February 2021

Turkish Detours

One of the best parts of visiting a city is coming across something while you’re just wandering around. Essentially, we were looking for a footpath and we followed people through what we first thought was a university complex until we discovered a beautiful park. We had a vague sense of where we wanted to end up, so we just walked straight through with no idea of what we expected to find. It turned out to be Gulhane Park, a former outer garden to the adjacent palace which has now been donated back to the city. The original palace walls still remain and you can walk through some of the ancient archways. Its statues, bedding and fountains is a miniaturised version of Central Park; a space in the city for its citizens. I love the stone book in its glass case at the southern entrance with water flowing over its pages to portray history in motion. It’s well worth a picnic stop.


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