Sunday 28 February 2021

College Campers

When you’re on the edge of a college campus in the middle of the country, you usually have to make your own entertainment. Normally that’s not a problem, but we didn’t want to stray too far away from our digs. We ended up commandeering a firepit for a barbecue, but unfortunately there was no-one to join us. Not that it mattered since I didn’t get much sleep anyway due to my travel companion’s excessive snoring. Even stretching my legs in the middle of the night didn’t seem to work. For the first day we’d planned to cook up a breakfast while our cool bag supplies held out, while on the second day we discovered that there was a café on-site. We ventured in and saw that the prices were a bit steep; they were asking £4 for a bacon or sausage roll. Nevertheless, we coughed up and at least the cash went to the students. I even bought one of their chocolatey rocky roads to keep me going for a mid-morning snack. 

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