Saturday 27 February 2021

Ghosts (Series 2)

When I first learned that the Horrible Histories team had written a second series my first reaction was oh no, not these nutters again’. But aside from the return of the annoying theme tune, this instalment was rather good. We had a few more character insights (though I would have loved to have known about how the major died) as well as novel ideas of things that you can do with an old house. Even the plague team got a look-in. I thought that the idea of the older characters witnessing the demise of some of the younger ones was great and this should have been brought in earlier. I enjoyed Julian’s plotline in the Christmas Special where his past begins to haunt him. We’re also teased by Mary’s witch trial, though this is something that could be covered in a third series which has now been commissioned. Kitty’s character could also be explored; although she is one of the more annoying characters and perhaps it’s time that she could be moved on. We also don’t know about Robin’s death or the real reason why any of them were left behind. There’s plenty more ghost stories to come!

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