Friday 19 February 2021

"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."

 -Nelson Mandela.

Being great in everything you do is fantastic. But winning all the time is just boring. It might make you the greatest, but people really like to watch their heroes overcome hurdles which means that they must fail some of the time. Otherwise it’d just be boring and people will focus their attention on other things. But if you’re coming back from failure all the time, you may need to examine what keeps causing you to fail. You might be determined to do the task, but there’s a great difference between making progress and being stubborn. You’re also not going to get much sympathy, especially if you've had a very heavy night on the booze. In the end, failure could be expected of you if you’re not too careful. It’s good to find a noble balance between the two. That’s a true skill to master which illustrates that you can cope with just about anything.

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