Friday 12 February 2021

Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Second Foundation (Foundation #3)Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

There’s some oddly confusing behaviours in this book that don’t seem to be challenged at all by the other characters. Only a teenager seems to question the bizarre entrance of an expected visitor through a girl’s bedroom window rather than through a door. I thought it was great fun when the actions of the galaxy seem to be placed within a single free-spirited being; though we later learn that it was the subliminal actions of another party that made this occur. It’s made especially confusing when Arcadia’s thought process is examined as she escapes Kalgan. Once again, the character plotlines aren’t exactly clear which makes confusion amongst the ranks. It’s not clear as to why Stettin went to war and which side the First Foundation are actually on. Things are further complicated when the identities of Second Foundation agents start to be revealed and as Asimov states; there’s lots of double-double-double-double crossings. Any character can act without revealing their true purpose, and it all hampers the natural character development. I suppose with hindsight a second reading would make things clearer, and it’s always the quiet ones that you need to watch. It’s an interesting tale of events but there’s still very unclear explanations to the saga. 

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