Wednesday 3 February 2021

Black Books

This enjoyable series has some great plotlines and some surreal moments alongside some celebrity guests in their younger days. It’s kind of like watching what those at the bottom end of the pit are up to. It’s a shame that they didn’t feature some re-occurring customers to pan the series out. I found the last episode to be a bit of an anti-climax. I don’t know whether the producers had planned it that way or whether they ran out of ideas of commissions. Its character-shaping plotline should have been revealed much earlier in the series. But its conclusion shows that they’re friends forever and that they’ll always look out for each other despite the squabbles and predicaments that they get into. The theme music to this show is so irritating. It’s deep bass cello really strikes an annoying tone. I suppose it’s much like Bernard so it suits, but it’s not so great for the viewer to listen to every time.  

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