Thursday 4 February 2021

Begging for a Bus

After our tour of the tower, it was time to catch our ride home. Many of the roads that had wandered through were very narrow, so we needed to get back to the main one that was on our bus route. We had a map and my GPS but we had to wander around a bit before we could orientate ourselves and work out where we had to go. I had my map out and was pretty sure that we just had to walk up the hill o the stop, but a man saw my map and instantly offered to lead us. We very kindly accepted, and I knew that we would probably have to give him something for our trouble. As we prepared our farewells, he insisted on giving my shoes a clean since that was his trade. I was trying to talk myself out of it, but Mum thought it was hilarious and wanted to take my picture. But we both stopped laughing when he wanted 60 Turkish Lira. I gave him twenty and we hastily walked away. 


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