Friday 5 February 2021

Some People Just don't get It.

Stay at home. That’s the message that we’ve been given. So why are we finding loopholes to encourage people to venture out? One of the primary reasons is the economy. If people aren’t buying things or earning a living, then then government will rapidly run out of income to raise the capital required to fight this pandemic. It’s a delicate balance. But there’s a big difference between the essentials and things that give you comfort. When people are taking part in televised sport or buying beer, revenue is still being generated but it’s also illustrating a mixed message that people are going out and about to do these things. And of course, people need to earn their income to obtain these things. But at the end of the day, it’s about saving lives. So if you need to set out to buy something, you really need to think long and hard about whether you need it. I often wonder how these people would cope in a wartime situation.

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