Saturday 20 February 2021

A Towering Journey

It’s never easy deciding where to go on a holiday. We had an idea planned for various places that we’d like to visit then one week we decided to round them all up into one trip instead. We investigated camping then we thought that for the time of the year and the weather, it was cheaper to stay in built accommodation. We had a route planned and managed to book all our accommodation the evening before we left. Our first stop was to Broadway Tower, the highest point on our tour and the gateway to the Cotswolds. It was also the most scenic route to the Gloucester Docks. We parked in the lay-by on the road outside to avoid the hefty £6 car park charge. Unfortunately, the nuclear bunker wasn’t open and I couldn’t find the giant chess set that was there in my childhood (I think it’s been replaced by the café and the arts centre) but we did get great views. My friend suffers from vertigo so he didn’t fancy paying to go into the museum to climb the tower and I didn’t really feel like venturing up on my own. So onwards we went.

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