Sunday 21 February 2021

Should workplaces provide a free breakfast or lunch to employees in order to boost morale or work ethic?

Absolutely. It shows people that you care. It could be for a special occasion or a regular fixed weekly teambuilding event. I’ve worked in a number of places that have this policy; though in most cases it’s a buffet full of sugar to keep everyone going and there’s rarely anything fresh, savoury and healthy as they’re perishable. It’s also hard to choose items within your budget that will have something for everyone. I’ve only encountered a free hot meal policy in one role which was on a breakfast shift since none was provided at the accommodation. It certainly encouraged me to arrive on time so that I wouldn’t miss out! When you’ve arrived, there’s also opportunities to socialise and network with people from other departments that you might not necessarily meet during the course of the workday. But you do need to be aware of what the policy is and maybe make sure that they’re not asking you to give a PowerPoint presentation to the rest of the dining room the minute that you’ve wolfed down your toast.

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