Thursday 18 February 2021

The Adventures of Sir David

Trapped as a kitten, he was brought up in a pen at the back of a house. He had food and water aplenty but it was the freedom and exercise that he craved. He grew as rabbits should but started to find his quarters a little cramped. His keepers visited him less and less then suddenly not at all. Then one cold day, just as he was beginning to freeze to death, a tall kind stranger picked up and took him into the warm. This new pen was huge. It was open and many rooms to explore. There was a room with a basket full of hay at the top of some steps, while downstairs there was a roaring fire and a dish full of nibbles. He would often sit in the middle of this room nibbling fresh carrots while the kind stranger stroked him gently. The stranger would often pick him up and let him explore the garden. He once jumped through a hole in the hedgerow but then realised that he would miss the food and attention that the stranger gave him and allowed the stranger to pick him up and return him to the house.

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