Thursday 25 February 2021

Hanging at the Hostel

I needed somewhere cheap to stay in London. I looked at hostels but didn’t really want to be put up in a dorm. Then I discovered that private rooms were available, and I could even upgrade to a double if I wanted. After the booking, I was told that there was an issue with my window. It wouldn’t open but they didn’t have the capacity to move me to another room or the ability to repair it in time. But why would you want a window open in January? Their solution was to offer me a 10% reduction of the room. I didn’t say anything but it just happened. It took me a while to find the place. It wasn’t on Oxford Street as advertised but down a sideroad. Then after being buzzed through the door, I had to climb three flights of stairs to reach reception. The whole place seemed to be a jumble of flats on top of a building. It was quiet on arrival and the check-in went smoothly with a nice chat from the receptionist. I suppose she was trying to discover why a single person had booked a double bed… 

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