Sunday 14 February 2021

Drying Off

So we’ve just broken the pub’s rotting terrace and the first thing we want to do is get ourselves dry. We head into the bar where all the bar staff have to offer is bar towels. Not ideal but what else can we do? Meanwhile we’ve ordered a taxi to de-camp ourselves to the nearest friend’s house to get changed. The offending tackler has disappeared to the caravaners. Our taxi arrives and we pile in and head all the way round the corner to the off-licence. This makes no sense to me whatsoever. Apparently keeping the buzz is more important than getting to dry digs. We take off laden with booze and I’m seriously thinking about disappearing for the evening. I calculate where I am and figure it’s only a few miles back to the boss’s house at which point I can either crash in the car or be sober enough to go home and abandon the whole thing.

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