Tuesday 23 February 2021

Wedding Plans #devilsdaughter 15

Luke and Lucinda walked down the boardwalk towards their chauffeured limousine. Luke had no idea where they were going next. In fact, he couldn’t really see where they were going next as most of Lucinda’s hair was draped around his head but he daren’t let go of this voluptuous lady. All he could feel was the weight of her hips with every step that she took.

‘Did you realise sweetie’ asked Lucinda as passers-by turned their heads and stood to make way for them ‘that the store clerk referred to us as Mr. and Mrs. Evans?’

‘Yes’ said Luke. ‘Lucinda, let’s do it. I can’t wait for that dress. Let’s get married. Today.’

‘Sounds like a proposition to me. But a gal ought to wear something nice for her big day.’ She climbed into the back of her limo which somehow seemed to have shrunk in the heat. Luke scrambled in after her and began discussing plans with the driver.

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