Saturday 7 December 2019

"When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in Ourselves"

-William Arthur Ward.

How do you feel after helping someone out? Do they appreciate what you’ve undertaken to assist them? Do they make you feel purposeful? Or are you merely assisting their mundane ignorance? Sharing a new skill will give you a far greater sense of achievement than helping someone to find the scissors as you’re training that person to be more independent. But it’s all about the way that you interact with each other. By demonstrating the method and teaching the understanding; it will actually aid both of you. But you’ve got to get there first. What’s the right way of teaching the method? Then, if your tutee demonstrates understanding and is able to perform the task by themselves next time round; it’s a win-win situation for everyone. But the pupil must be willing to learn too. If they’re asking someone else how to perform the task next time around, it’s a guaranteed indicator of failure.

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