Friday 6 December 2019

Boogie Blues

I’ve been asked to attend a dance. I may have been told about it earlier in the week but I didn’t recall and anyway, my ears were blocked. It was only brought to my attention a couple of hours before we were due to depart from the restaurant and I really wasn’t feeling great; what having done a full shift at work and a head of hair that badly needs a trim. But I didn’t want to let the other person down, so I decided to escort them there to take a look. While we waited for her friends to arrive; I had a brief glance at the poster which informed me of an admission fee and what was playing. It definitely wasn’t my cup of tea; and the other attendees didn’t convince me either. I was tempted to stay for another beer but that meant either joining in or taking a stand and sit in the bar on my own. In the end I ended up at home supping a beautiful Baltic Porter and getting a few e-mails out of the way. I had intended to wait up to see that she got home safe but sleep got the better of me.

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