Wednesday 11 December 2019

Slay the Zombies

One of the things that I don’t get on Twitter is that I’m always receiving e-mails about tweets from people that I’m not following or have no interest in. Today’s culprit involves an Indian bloke in a suit wearing a purple bandana telling me how freedom dies. He’s got a slight resemblance to Steve Carrell. Now I don’t know this bloke, and according to my account no-one else that I know follows him either. He’s only got 1200 followers; yet he’s sent nearly 45,000 tweets in over eleven years. That’s over ten tweets a day. So I’m assuming that he’s one of the highest tweeters, which is why I’m having his feed e-mailed to me. A lot of his content seems to be re-tweets; occasionally with an opinion. I’m only fluent in half of the context that he’s referring to since it’s Indian politics; not that I’m disagreeing with him. And it’s great that it’s in English so that outsiders can get an insight too. I suppose it’s a way of seeing content that you might otherwise have missed. His re-tweet of Donald Trump as Thanos is terrifying.

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