Wednesday 18 December 2019

Silks Whacker Payne at Alestones, Tardebigge

What a lovely surprise to find this beer. It’s so far away from its home. Yet it just goes to show the lengths that dedicated licensees are willing to go to in order to procure something different for their customers. It’s a brewery that I’d have never otherwise had heard of; and it’ll probably cease brewing before I get the chance to visit the area and seek out other beers from the same establishment. And since he’s the one that organised it; he can decide what to charge. It might seem like a steep price, but he’s got to consider how much it costs to transport the barrel. That’s a side that many people take for granted; especially if there’s little else being transported on the same vehicle. Other licensees can take up deals, but only because their wholesaler buys in bulk. And that’s another middleman for them to pay. What a pain.

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