Tuesday 17 December 2019

Who gets my Vote

It’s decision time once again and I’ve got no idea who to vote for. Our local conservative is very professional and she works hard to protect and secure the resources of our town; but it’s the party that she represents that I just don’t trust. Both May and Johnson have missed their Brexit deadlines; and the latter made it worse by attempting to shut down the right of democracy including his own supposed supporting members. There’s plenty of coverage as to what the big parties are planning for this election; but there’s hardly anything received on a local level. The town’s newspaper only seems to exist in electronic form now and I’m amazed that we haven’t had any doorbells ring or literature posted through the door. The Greens have made it very clear what their focus is but there’s no information on their website as to what they’ll be doing in our town if they get their way. And the Liberal Democrats seems to be non-existent. The other local girl is a school teacher running for Labour; which I’m a bit surprised at as I thought that their previous candidate stood a fair chance. But this newbie hasn’t got much to say and her manifesto seems to be about photoshoots and undoing the hard work that our current MP has achieved. So at the moment it looks as if I’m going to go with the status quo and hopefully we can add some dynamite to her current campaign.

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