Saturday 14 December 2019

Daft Old Bats

What a lot of people don’t realise is that when the elderly don’t get their way, they tend to act like children. They raise their voice and they never stop complaining. They’ll go off in a huff. There never seems to be enough patience and they get frustrated because of this. After the complaint, they’ll make it their mission to tell as many people as possible and discuss how it could have been improved. Of course, what this will achieve will be very little other than bring it to the attention of others to their annoyance. They don’t seem to understand that sometimes things do go wrong and it’s not necessarily in the control of the person that they’re complaining to. Then they’ll immediately want compensation or they’ll start making threats that they’ll boycott the place; not that you’ll want to see them again anyway. It’ll never be a positive outcome.

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