Thursday 5 December 2019

Box Blues

What’s the point of a modern-day box? The obvious reason is to protect the item within. So if the box has a few dents and scrapes on the outside but the product within has survived then it’s done its job. It’s frustrating when people question the appearance of a box though. Is the item physically going to fit back into the box after every use? If it’s something that you need to assemble then it’s unlikely. If the box is sellotaped then it only exists to enforce it or repair the box during its journey. And it’s even less likely if it’s a toy; especially if features a high percentage of see-through plastic within its contents. I’ve even torn off film surrounding boxes because it suggests that the product is damaged; yet if the customer doesn’t know that the film is present then they’re not likely to question it. It’s a shame really though. I’d like to see more things in boxes than cheap plastic as it’s easier on the environment.

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