Friday 27 December 2019

Home time on the Turn

At first glance you might think that oil has washed over some unsuspecting creature. As you approach, the creature remains still. Is it in shock? Is it fear? Or is it the animal instinct to keep still in the hope that you don’t notice it; to blend in with the background and to flee or attack at the last possible moment to keep the element of surprise? Or is it even alive? But once you’ve crossed the ten-foot line; your eyes take over from your imagination and you realise it’s a humble rock. It’s the different colours and a trick of the light that throws you; as the sun reflects of its wetter parts; humbly suggesting that it’s a glossy coat. Then there’s the water that ripples around the rocks which enticingly suggests that it is moving rather than the liquid around it. Never mind, there’s another one further ahead in the distance…

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