Monday 30 December 2019

Secret Santa

Usually I struggle with the seasonal gift in the workplace. I’ve had some very unusual gifts too. But this year I knew exactly what my recipient wanted. Upon my return from volunteering at the local beer festival, I’ve managed to score a few free samples of chilli chocolate which I’ve handed out at work. My good lady especially liked these; but it’s got hotter over the last two years and he hasn’t been able to attend because he’s afraid of his chocolate melting. I set out for the last beer festival of the year in the West Midlands; but I was disappointed as he wasn’t there. The only thing that I could to was try his mail order service. Luckily, he had a special offer on because of the Black Friday weekend; so I snapped up five packs for £10. They arrived within the week. All I had to do was put them in an old box of Christmas cards and wrap them up for a lovely kiss on the cheek when she saw me next.

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