Sunday 22 December 2019

Bromsgrove Beer & Cider Festival 2018

This year I was helping to volunteer on the membership stand. It’s one of the easiest jobs of the campaign if you’ve got the gift of the gab. But you must know your facts and figures and be confident about what’s involved. You also need to be clear upon what you’re offering in advance. And you also need to stand by your guns when a regional officer tries to supersede what you’ve already agreed upon; especially if they’re dressed up in traditional military uniform. An organised system suddenly becomes chaotic and then you’re in the middle of two systems. The worst bit was when you’re offering people supposedly faster entry into the festival if you join the campaign; people would be halfway through joining before realising that their friends are already in and you’re buried in paperwork. It needs to be clearer that it’s cheaper entry but not necessarily faster.

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