Saturday 21 December 2019

Gab of the Grateful

Where do the homeless go when everything else is closed? Well, amazingly, not everywhere is. You can always find somewhere warm to go to and find people to tolerate you so long as you don’t interfere with their operation. They may even treat you to a little goodwill tipple if they’re in the right mood. Of course, there’s the danger of overstaying your welcome in the hope and you’ll get offered even more. You shouldn’t part on bad terms but you want to make the moment last as long as possible. So you end up grinning like a maniac while edging towards the door then spring back as soon as you’ve thought of an excuse to open a new conversation. That way, it tries to look like you’re not setting up camp for the day. You’ve also got to have the gift of the gab to keep your hoteliers in a good mood so as not to churn you out.

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